Friday, November 16, 2012

Cycling the Pacific Ring of Fire

"Cycling the Pacific Ring of Fire", "volcano-hopping" by mountain bike around the globe's largest ocean is an expedition of epic proportions undertaken by Canadian adventurers Janick Lemieux and Pierre Bouchard. 
"Cycling the Pacific Ring of Fire part 3...Full Circle!" is a multimedia documentary presentation of the adventures they've endured during the third and final leg of the mega MTB-trek. This time, the couple spent some 27 months in the saddle and rode 24,000 kilometres between Jakarta and Vancouver...via hundreds of volcanoes scattered throughout archipelagos of Indonesia and the Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, Russia's Far East, Alaska, Western Canada, and Hawaii. Over 1,000 stunning images, video excerpts, and animated maps portray their fabulous journey as the adventurers provide witty and insightful commentary and observations, intertwined with melodies and rhythms of Montreal composer Martin Tremblay. This highly volatile, explosive and "subversive" cocktail of culture, nature and adventure will enthral you! Until they stop over in your area, here's a little glimpse...

Fall 2012 pan-Canadian/US Pacific Northwest lecture series schedule and info: